August 13, 2008 | Funny Bits

Park bench attacked by pervert

Man has sex with park bench41-year-old Hong Kong local Le Xing made a bit of a scene after molesting a park bench. Police were called to Lan Tian park after the man's cock got caught in a hole.

Mr Xing's only explanation was that he thought it would be fun to have sex with the bench. (He was lonely. It was lonely. So why not?)

However, doctors were unable to remove his cock at the scene and authorities were forced to cut the bench free from the ground and take it, Xing still attached, to a city hospital. It took another 4 hours of very careful cutting to set the man free. An hour longer, they said, and his penis would have been amputated.

A little harsh, perhaps, but he'd never do it again!

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