June 1, 2016 | Arts / Entertainment

New campaign pushes for more out and proud superheroes

Gay superherosDid you know Mystique, the popular shape-shifting mutant from the X-men series, is bisexual? In fact, in the comic books she enjoyed a long-term relationship with Destiny, a woman who could see into the future.
However, you'd never know Mystique was queer if you watched the movies. In fact, aside from Deadpool, which hinted at the title character's pansexual proclivities, references to homosexuality in superhero movies are pretty much non-existent.
Director Mike Buonaiuto decided to call Hollywood out and demand that, at the very least, it accept the sexuality of the comic book characters it uses in its films. Buonaiuto even made a trailer for the kind of film he'd like to see released.
"Launching in partnership with MCM Comic Con today and following #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend trending last week, this trailer gives fans the first opportunity to see LGBT superheroes accurately brought to life," he said.
“This project has been completely created by volunteers,” he added. “We hope that we can demonstrate to the studios that there is a huge audience for accurate LGBT portrayal on the big screen, and it won’t deter cinema­goers [from buying] tickets.”
And there are some big names in both the Marvel and DC universes that are likely to appear in future movies, including Catwoman, Iceman and Northstar. But will they be out and proud, out yet somewhat asexual, or reworked as straight characters? Sadly, we fear the latter.

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