February 4, 2015 | Arts / Entertainment

The "Good Will Hunting" gay sex scene you will never see

Good Will HuntingWhen Ben Affleck and Matt Damon wrote Good Will Hunting, they included a gay sex scene between the two straight male characters.
Affleck and Damon were relative newbies to the showbiz industry, but they weren't going to let just anyone produce their movie. They eventually agreed to work with Miramax Films, which was run by Harvey Weinstein. They chose Weinstein because he actually read the whole screenplay. 
"Every studio wanted the movie, every studio wanted them to be in the movie and make this film," Weinstein said while on The Graham Norton. "They were young kids, just really starting out, but they had some good roles behind them. They came to my office, and I read the script [before] the meeting, and we walked in and everything was pleasant, and then about 10 minutes into the meeting I said, 'Guys, there's just one thing on the script ... I just have one really big note. About page 60, the two professors give each other oral sex and they're on their knees and this whole big sex scene. What the hell is that? Because the guys are straight, and there's no hint of anything like that ... I don't get that scene.'"
That clinched the deal.
"They go, 'That's the scene that we wrote to find out whether guys in your job actually read the script, because every studio executive we went to ... no one brought that scene up, or maybe people thought it was a mistake or maybe nobody read it themselves.' They said, 'You're the only guy that brought it up. You get the movie.'"
Good Will Hunting grossed over $200 million worldwide. It would have done so much better if the gay sex scene had been included!
Good Will Hunting script had spoof sex scene [New Zealand Herald]

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