July 21, 2014 | The Biz

Last week, Kink.com announced that it now has production and office space in Las Vegas, and has completed two movies in the new location.
Kink founder Peter Acworth explained that the San Francisco based studio has been looking at new locations should California pass AB 1576 - a bill that would require condom use in all XXX productions in the state - in August.
“Vegas is looking more and more attractive as time goes by,”
Acworth said. “The cost of doing business out there is lower. The resources are slowly moving there. It’s becoming easier and easier to do business.
"I think that a lot of companies are doing what we’re doing," he added. "They’re setting up satellite offices and getting their feet wet with Vegas as a potential place to shoot.”
Currently Nevada only requires condom use for prostitution. It has no law requiring condoms on the sets of adult films as participants are regularly tested for STIs.
“We don’t want to move out of California,” Acworth said. “But we will if we have to. This bill not only denies performers' choice, it would effectively render most existing adult film production illegal.”
Kink.com Begins Production in Las Vegas [XBiz]