Two popular gay porn studios -- one which shoots condom-only, the other both condom and bareback -- have announced that they will be working together on some new projects.
Dominic Ford, known for pushing the boundaries of porn technology by shooting in 3D and with Google Glass, and Helix Studios, best known for its cute twink models, released a joint statement saying they have future plans together.
"I am very excited to be collaborating with Helix Studios,” Dominic Ford said. “We’ve been friends for a long time, and it will be a treat getting to work with them. I am also eager to see what happens when some hot Dominic Ford jocks meet the tasty Helix boys.”
Keith Miller, owner of Helix Studios, added: “I am very excited to bring the award-winning talents of Dominic Ford to Helix Studios. Combining the Dominic Ford jocks with the Helix boys should make the summer of 2014 sizzle.”
Initially five scenes will be shot by Dominic Ford, pairing models from both companies. The press release makes no mention of whether the scenes will be condom or bareback.
Are you even allowed to put muscle jocks and skinny twinks in the same scene together? This could alter the face of porn as we know it!
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