July 31, 2013 | Funny Bits

How real sex compares to porn sex

If your new boyfriend expects every sexual encounter to be as hot, as hard and as perfect as what he sees on Sean Cody, then you may want to show him this video. Produced by Kornhaber Brown, it explains the differences between porn sex and real sex. 

Using food to help explain the differences, the video says that "in real life 75 percent of men ejaculate within 3 minutes" (really?) and that "porn star penises are six to nine inches, civilian penis - five to seven." See, you're perfectly average!

"While the stats are based on credible sources, such as Jon Millward's Deep Inside study, we'd rather stay out of a discussion about scientific, sexual health or social impact issues." Gillian Weeks, Head of Sales and Development said in an email. "We just made this for fun."

Forget about sex; now all I want is pancakes!

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