September 14, 2007 | Sex & Society

Goodbye Gonzalez

Alberto Gonzales Attorney GeneralToday, let us all take a moment to say so long to the Attorney General we've all come to know and love: Alberto Gonzales. Alright, moments up!

A Bush -- as in President -- supporter to the end, Gonzales now bids adieu to public life. He leaves behind a wonderful legacy of wire tappings, unjustified firings, and endless lying. We see a career as a politician in this man's future.

The biggest scandal surrounding his tenure involved sacking several US Attorneys. No explanation was ever provided, though politics has been cited as the main reason for dismissal: they were not solid republican supporters. Some of the Attorney's were considered too soft on issues surrounding porn, a particularly sharp thorn in Gonzales side.

But his time is up. We can all breath a little easier now. No more boogey-man in the closet, as it were. Well, not until Bush nominates a replacement....

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