The 2nd annual Bisexual Awareness Week (#biweek) started on September 20th and will run until the 26th. And tomorrow, the 23rd, is "International Celebrate Bisexuality Day." So grab your favorite bi person and give them a hug!
"In a world increasingly acknowledging the complexity of human sexuality, including bisexuality and sexual fluidity, BiNet USA is thrilled to support a national conversation that accelerates the cultural acceptance of our community," explained Faith Cheltenham, President of BiNet USA, a non-profit that was established in 1990 to promote bisexual visibility and educate the general public about it.
Cheltenham continued: "This year's awareness week has garnered unprecedented support from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organizations who are committed to amplifying the voices of bisexual people, who are often rendered invisible in the media and public spheres."
"Despite comprising more than half of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual population, bisexual people are only about one third as likely to be out to their close friends and family," added Heron Greenesmith, LGBT Movement and Policy Analyst at the Movement Advancement Project. "... two-thirds of bisexual people report hearing negative comments at work and bisexual people are more likely to report negative health outcomes."
Some famous bisexual men include David Bowie, Frank Ocean, Alan Cumming and James Dean.
And of course, there are some very well-known male porn stars who have said they were bi! (Click the images to see their galleries!)
With a cock like that, he can make both men and women feel like a virgin ...
fucked for the very first time!
I guess we'll share him ... but just for one night!
Melts in your mouth ... if you're lucky!
Can he tell the difference between a strap-on and the real thing?
The 2015 Bisexual Awareness Week is presented by
BiNet USA in co-sponsorship with