Judge dismisses lawsuit against Toronto's Zanzibar Tavern, Ontario Government and Canadian Government, which blamed them for HIV.
After accessing a legal porn site devoted to twinks, a British man was accused of looking at underage males.
Hallmark apologizes for replacing 'gay' with 'fun' on Christmas ornament.
Bernard Randell charged with “trafficking obscene publications” in Uganda after gay porn discovered on his laptop.
Art student Clayton Pettet plans to lose his gay virginity as a piece of performance art.
MP Alexei Zhuravlyov pulls anti-gay bill that would strip gay parents of their children.
Stephen Fry tells Russia's Vitaly Milonov that he looks like a fool.
Elliot Darrow slam poetry performance that God might be gay goes viral.
Kuwait plans to test visitors for gayness before letting them in.
New National Coming Out Day campaign video includes lots of different people stripping.
Guido Barilla, the chairman of Barilla Pasta, says he doesn't want gays in his ads ... then apologizes.
Pope Francis offers a more tolerant position on homosexuality.
Swedish court acquits man who was charged with masturbating in public.
Stephen Crohn, who was immune to HIV, takes his own life.
The NALT Christians Project hopes to bring gay-positive believers out of the closet.
'Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine' sign goes viral.
Anderson Cooper discusses Pat Robertson's AIDS comments on the Ridiculist
Pat Roberston claims gays spread AIDS through sharp rings they wear; forced to apologize.
Russian MP Mikhail Degtyaryov says more anti-gay legislation being planned.
Saeed Malekpour has death sentence revoked after repenting in Iran for producing porn websites.
Word spreads that Arizona has passed a 'gay-to-straight' program in its school; it's a hoax.