August 23, 2013 | Sex & Society

Arizona's 'gay-to-straight' school program a hoax

Jan BrewerYou may have heard the alarming news that Arizona has passed a law making 'gay-to-straight' training mandatory in schools.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, allegedly signed off on the ‘People Can Change’ program, and told CNN she was excited about the program. “I think this will be an amazing opportunity for gay children to finally learn who they truly are for once in their lives,” Brewer said. “Can you imagine how much more productive these ‘now-straight’ children will be not always being bullied or wondering why god made them defective? What we have done here today is monumental. I can only hope and pray that other states follow suit.”

People are up in arms, and word is quickly spreading across social media.

But the whole thing is a hoax. The story first appeared on , which is a satirical site (similar to The Onion).

The same site has produced such articles as "Strengthen the Republican Party - Pray Away the Black," and "Michelle Obama To Play Wife Of Lando Calrissian In Star Wars: Episode VII."

What worries me is that Jan Brewer is crazy enough to consider this a good idea!

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