April 18, 2016 | Funny Bits

Now gays can pay more than anyone else for dietary fiber!

Sometimes anal sex can be messy; it's just a part of sex life and not anything to be ashamed of. Usually just having a poop (or if you're really worried, a warm water douche) before getting fucked is all that's needed to avoid unwelcome Hershey's Kisses.

But that doesn't stop hucksters from trying to cash in on gay sexual insecurities. Take Pure For Men, a fiber supplement, for example. They claim their product, taken twice daily, will act as a "soft sponge" to "maintain the flow of elimination," thus keeping you always at the ready for a clean fucking. And it will only cost you $225 a year -- for the fiber you can easily get by eating fruit and whole grains.

The ad (which we admit, is kind of funny) invokes all your worst bottoming nightmares and is appropriately titled "Avoiding a Bottoming Disaster." 

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