January 20, 2016 | Online
Russian officials have decided that pre-installed LGBTQ emojis on Apple iPhones don’t violate the federal law against promoting homosexuality to minors.
Experts certified by Roskomnadzor, the Russian government’s online watchdog, were aksed to review theemojis and determine if they were actually “propaganda of nontraditional relationships." The review started in July, and the results were released yesterday.
The officials determined that the emojis were neutral as far as gay propoganda goes, as they could be used to discuss both “positive” and “negative” views on homosexuality.
“The sequence in which emoji appear will change in the context of a conversation. They can be used in approval or disapprove of certain concepts or actions,” the experts said.
Had Apple been found guilty of promoting a gay agenda, it could have faced fines ranging from 800,000 to 1 million rubles, and had its business interests suspended in the country.
Senior politician Mikhail Marchenko had inittiated the review. “These emojis of non-traditional sexual orientation are seen by all users of the social network, a large portion of whom are minors. But propaganda of homosexuality is banned under the laws and under the pillars of tradition that exist here in our country.”
It's nice to know that he'll be ever so pissed at the finding.