February 5, 2015 | Sex & Society

Giant cock greets Toronto subway riders

TTC phallic sign

In Toronto, Canada, an odd sign was posted in one of the city's subway stations. But almost as soon as it went public, it came right back down.

"Everybody who had seen the sign, it led some to believe it looked like a very phallic-looking symbol and we don't want any of our maps to be misconstrued, so we're in the midst of replacing it," Toronto Transit Commission spokesman Brad Ross said. He claimed no actual complaints from the public were received.
But how was an obviously phallic image approved in the first place? (Complete with shaded tip!)
Ross said the TTC would be looking into the issue, but said the sign was probably the result of a rush job to get it completed on time.
"I'm told that map was erected in December when we were putting up Next Vehicle Arrival signs," he said. "The person who designed the sign did not seek proper approval and the process was not followed."
It could have been worse. A second sign was also designed, but above the same phallic image were the words; "Welcum to the TTC. Enjoy the ride!" 

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