God has finally had enough of the crazy antics of the "God hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church. He has taken to crowdfunding site IndieGoGo to raise the money needed to put a "God Loves Gays" billboard in the home town of the anti-gay organization.
In just 10 days, the campaign has reached over $40,000 (of its $50,000 goal). Any additional money will be used to erect other gay-positive billboards around the US.
In return for donations, supporters will get bumper stickers, limited edition t-shirts or posters saying "God Loves Gays" signed by God himself.
"A mean lie has been put into the world for thousands of years," explained God on the campaign's website. "The time has come to right this wrong. ... God loves gay, lesbian and transgendered people. God loves ALL people!
"Therefore, the LORD shall put up a billboard in Topeka, Kansas that says 'God Loves Gays.' The time has come to fight back. With love!"
The first billboard has already been booked and will be unveiled on September 8 in Topeka.
The unknown comedian behind the Facebook page
The Good Lord Above is helping God out with the campaign. We're sure Jesus would approve.