August 15, 2013 | Sex & Society

Russian lawmaker calls for death of gay activist

Vitaly MilonovVitaly Milonov, co-sponsor of the infamous anti-gay law in Russia, is now arguing that a gay activist should be put to death for "extremism."

Milonov - also known (by me) as the taint of Russian politics - said that Cyril Kalugin must be arrested for his one man gay rights protest, in which he held a poster calling for "Sodom in every home."

"Either he is mentally ill or well-paid," he said, claiming Kalugin is a terrorist. "There are things that are unacceptable. We have monitored the activities of this activist, and I believe that we must discourage and punish these provocative acts."

Death, he said, was the only way to send a clear message to others.

Kalugin countered that his call for "Sodom in every home" was a cry for the education of Russian people about the facts of homosexuality, and a way to challenge the propaganda of Vladimir Putin’s parliament. He also promised that he would stay in the country to fight, and not seek asylum abroad.

If anyone should be charged with extremism, it's Milonov himself. And a life sentence in Siberia wouldn't be a big enough punishment!

Russian lawmaker: Gay activists must die for 'extremism' [Gay Star News]

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