October 28, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Canadian comedian calls out gay adults

Rick MercerRick Mercer is a comedian, best known in his own country of Canada because of his focus on Canadian politics. He's the host of The Rick Mercer Report which could be considered The Daily Show ... North.

Mercer is also openly gay, and has often spoken out on LGBT issues. He spoke out again this week on his show, in response to the suicide of a young gay man in Ottawa. Jamie Hubley, 15, took his life after years of bullying in school.

"'It gets better' – the reassuring message for gay teens that has passed through the lips of everyone from Glee star Chris Colfer to Conservative cabinet minister John Baird – just doesn’t cut it," Mercer said in the 2 minute piece. “If you're gay and you're in public life, I'm sorry, you don't have to run around with a Pride flag and bore everyone, but you can't be invisible, not any more."

The video is making the rounds, popping up on news sites and gay blogs throughout North America. And aside from the snide remarks by Queerty's resident malcontent Daniel Villarreal (calling Mercer "obscure" and just "some random dude") Rick's Rant is a valuable contribution to the current discussion about gay youth being bullied.

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