October 11, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Honduras says Ricky Martin only okay for adults

Ricky Martin too adult for HondurasHonduras is afraid the upcoming concert by Ricky Martin will have a bit too much "erotic content." With this in mind, the interior minister has banned youth under 15 years old from attending the event.

This appears to be a small compromise by the government, which was being pressured to ban the concert outright because of objections from several religious leaders.

Both the Evangelical and Catholic community claimed that Martin should not be granted a visa because of his homosexuality. They felt a ban was required to “protect the moral and ethical principles of our society,” especially since Martin's "family is not the type of family that Honduran society, and laws, approve of."

Honduran President Porfirio Lobo wasn't prepared to take such a harsh stand, so he decided to make the concert more of an adult affair.

A total ban, said a government official, would be nothing more than a "highly reprehensible act of intolerance."

Senior interior ministry official, Alberto Espinal, added that the main concern was not Martin's sexuality, but the actual content of his "Musica + Alma + Sexo" tour. Good thing; studies have indicated that shaking your bon bon in Honduras will literally cause your head to implode.

Honduras bans kids under 15 from "erotic" Ricky Martin concert [Fox News Latino]

Religious Leaders Want to Block Ricky Martin from Entering Honduras [Fox News Latino]

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