August 11, 2011 | Celeb Watch

James Franco planning porn doc

James Franco tells Conan O'Brien about his porn docJames Franco appreciates porn. He admits to watching it, and says he's even tried making it.

"When I was young, I got a video camera and my girlfriend and I decided to film ourselves and watched it back and said, 'Yeah, well, let's never watch that again,'" he told Conan O'Brien

But what the experience did teach him was that the act of turning people on isn't as easy as you might think it is.

"Those people in pornos, they are great performers; they're not just doing it, they're selling it to an audience... They're performing so that an audience can get turned on by that kinda thing," he explained. "My girlfriend and I didn't know that, so it was just kinda like weird movement ... It was really boring."

With that in mind, he is planning to make a film about pornography, focusing on's work in San Francisco, California.

"I actually am very interested in pornography," he said. "I watch it, who doesn't? I'm making a documentary on pornography. There's this amazing facility in San Francisco... They do everything in house, they build their props in house. It's an incredible place."

As for his own video, we think he should let us judge how boring it is.

James Franco is Directing a Documentary About Porn Megasite  [indie wire]

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