June 28, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Look who's not getting married ... yet

Neil Patrick Harris and David BurtkaNeil Patrick Harris and his longtime partner David Burtka are finally able to get married. And the cute couple couldn't be happier. 

Before New York state approved gay marriage, the 38-year-old Harris tweeted,  "I'd sure love to get married. Please, NY Senate, vote in favor of marriage equality today. My family would really appreciate it."

When the law was finally passed, Harris was creaming his jeans (metaphorically speaking, of course). "It PASSED!" he tweeted. "Marriage equality in NY!! Yes!! Progress!! Thank you everyone who worked so hard on this!! A historic night!"

He admitted that he and Burtka have been engaged for over five years hoping for this moment. "We've been wearing engagement rings for ages, waiting for an available date." 

The two have already started a family, caring for twins. And now the final piece of the puzzle is ready to be put in place, except ...

Harris quickly tweeted Monday: "Just because David and I will soon be able to marry in NY, doesn't mean we are actively planning a wedding. Cart before horse."

Maybe they're waiting for the Second Coming?

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