June 14, 2011 | Celeb Watch

Do you forgive Tracy Morgan?

The saga surrounding Tracy Morgan's pathetic comments about gays and lesbians - and how he would kill an effeminate son -  continues. But in a recent interview with Russell Simmons on Global Grind, Morgan emphasized he was truly sorry for his comments.

"The truth is if I had a gay son I would love him just as much as if he was straight ... I might have to try to love even more because I know of the difficulty that he would have in society," he said.

He continued: "Of all the sicknesses, there is probably none more abusive than homophobia. My heart is committed to giving everyone the same rights that I deserve for myself. I don't care if you love the same sex as long as you have the ability to love someone. Also, you should have the right no matter who you are to protect and serve our country. I am deeply sorry for the comments I made. What I am most sad about is the comments I made about kids and bullying."

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