March 31, 2011 | Porn Stars

Former porn star regrets bareback scene

Former porn star Jack RyanIn a recent editorial on, Jack Ryan talks about drug abuse, bareback porn, and realizing the need for better choices. He is also big on safer sex.

"For those of you who don't know, I did a bareback movie in 2008," he explained. "I'm not gonna even mention the studio or the title, because I do not want anyone to purchase it, and I don't want to promote it."

He admitted to being in a vulnerable state when he did it, having lost both a mother and dog to cancer, all the while becoming increasingly addicted to hard drugs.

"I became an addict and did self destructive things because I no longer cared," Ryan said. "Not that this is an excuse, but drugs really screw up your sense of right and wrong."

By sheer luck he didn't become infected with HIV.

As for stars who have chosen bareback porn, he isn't impressed: "Mason Wyler, whom I worked with in a safe movie for Suite 703has now gone bareback, saying that he wanted to keep doing porn but the offers weren't coming in for safe stuff. I find his excuse very disturbing personally. As porn stars, we are teachers. Younger kids look to your movies as educational, and emulate what we do. We have a responsibility to teach behavior that is very fun, very hot, very sexy, and VERY SAFE."

As Ryan pointed out, "You wouldn't choose to give yourself cancer, or even a cold, so why choose to get HIV?"

You can read the full editorial here.

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