May 21, 2010 | Celeb Watch

Backstreet Boys going gay

Backstreet BoysThe Bay Area Reporter has announced that the Backstreet Boys will be headlining on the main stage at San Francisco Pride on June 27.

Audrey Joseph, responsible for finding acts for the stage, confirmed the news on Tuesday. Though they are not the big name they once were, the fact that the boys are  happy to put on a show for Pride is big news.

"We were so late in getting started, most of the big acts were already taken," said Joseph. And the event organizers don't have much money to pay talent becayse San Francisco's Pride celebration is totally free, with donations collected at the gate.

"People who perform on our Pride stage do it because they want to," and not for the money, she said.

Yeah, we'd still do any one of them ...

Backstreet Boys to rock SF Pride [Bay Area Reporter]

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