Bugs are icky. Lice are very icky. And pubic lice are the ickiest of all!
But there may be a small - we pray a very small - group of men who are into crabs -- and not the eatin' kind.
"Me and my buddy, Insex, have had broods in our briefs for a long while now, so we thought to ourselves, well, there must be somewhere online to get together with other people but we couldn't find one," explained the site creator, Bugger. "I mean, how else are the bug chasers going to score the prize? There used to be a group on Yahoo but it has been deleted. So Insex says to me, Bugger, we oughta do up a web site. And I say to him, Great idea! And here we are."
The result: A website called lovebugz.net, where information can be shared with other entophilliacs (bug fetishists). They even suggest the type of pubic lice to use, which are non-biters from Japan.
The Sword wondered aloud if this site was really a clever dig at that other form of bug chasing (where men have unprotected sex with HIV+ partners in hopes of contracting HIV). Or it could be a spoof site. Or - say it isn't so - it could be the real thing.
Dammit, why do we suddenly feel so itchy down there?
When Bug Chasing Means Fetishizing Public Lice [The Sword]
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