December 4, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Tiger Woods asked to endorse website for cheaters

Tiger Woods offered 5 million dollars to promote cheaters website Ashley MadisonFor all you golf fans afraid Tiger Woods will lose his multi-million dollar endorsement deals after his numerous affairs came to light this past week, you can now rest easy. At least one company sees Woods' infidelity as a potential cash cow: is offering him $5 million for the "advertisement, endorsement, sale and promotion" of the site. Ka-ching!

Of course, no one expects Woods to do it, not even Ashley Madison execs. What they do see is a great PR stunt which gets all the blogs and newspapers talking about the offer. (By the way, we'll give Woods $10 to endorse our site! In cold hard cash!), which boasts 3.5 million members, was created to help people who are in relationships find someone else on the side. Their tagline: "Life is Short. Have an Affair."

CEO Noel Biderman has claimed on several occasions that he has saved more marriages than he has destroyed. He's just being silly.

Porn company Vivid Entertainment, on the other hand, is offering $1 million to "any woman who has proof she was a paramour of Tiger Woods and will sign a contract with the studio."

Talk about an economic stimulus! If there were more celebrity scandals like this, the recession would be over.

Tiger Woods to be the new face of cheating web site [NY Daily News]

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