October 21, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Advice from Sir Elton John: have lots of safe sex

Sir Elton John If Sir Elton John could go back in time and do it all over again, what is one thing he would change? He'd lose his virginity a lot earlier than he did and have a lot more sex!

In Joseph Galliano’s latest book 'Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self,' Elton wrote: "I made the mistake of not having sex until I was 23! I loved being with another man and felt relieved that I finally knew who I was. I made the mistake of falling in love too soon because I was naive and romantic."

The book offered celebrities the chance to give the advice they wish they had when they were younger.

“My advice to you is to never chase love. It will find you when you least expect it. Have fun, have lots of safe sex and enjoy your sexuality. Be proud of who you are,” he added. “I made a lot of mistakes. Stay away from drugs, they’re a waste of time. Stand up for every human being’s rights. Be loving, kind and strong. Set an example. You’re going to have one hell of a life!”

And don't ever shave your pubes! Just trim them, because they never grow in the same.

Elton Says Discard the V-Card [The Advocate]

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