October 2, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Football jock, Scott Fujita, takes stand for gay marriage

Scott FujitaYou may think football players are nothing more than meatheads, but New Orleans Saint Scott Fujita will prove you wrong. In a sport not known for being gay-friendly, the NFL linebacker came out in support of same-sex marriage.

He said. "People could look at this issue without blinders on…the blinders imposed by their church, their parents, their friends or, in our case, their coaches and locker rooms…. I wish they would realize that it’s not a religion issue. It’s not a government issue. It’s not even a gay/straight issue or a question of your manhood. It’s a human issue. And until more people see that, we’re stuck arguing with people who don’t have an argument."

Fujita, of course, developed his openness from an early age. He’s white but was adopted by a Japanese father and white mother. He even considers himself to be culturally Japanese.

Now if he really supported gay marriage he'd stop turning down our proposals!

New Orleans Saint Scott Fujita supports marriage [Out Sports]

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