September 5, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Singer 'ga ga' for the gays

Lady Ga GaLady Gaga has no problem with men having sex at her concerts. In fact, she thinks it's great!

She was told that during her New York concert two men had sex during one of her songs. Lady Gaga said: "My sister texted me and she was like, 'Madonna is 15 feet away from me. And there are two guys having sex in the audience.

"I just remember thinking, 'Wow, this is exactly what I wanted. I've got Madonna and I've got gay sex!' "

This shouldn't come as much of a surprise, as Lady Gaga has always been down with the gays. She even plans to continue playing concerts at smaller queer venues to show her support for the community that made her the star she is today.

She explained: "With the exception of God, my family, and best friend Matthew Williams, and the Haus of GaGa, the gay community is the single reason that I am here today.

"I started out playing gay clubs in America, then I went to London to play G-A-Y, where I didn't think anyone knew who I was, and there were thousands of people there. How could I ever turn my back on those people who really fought for me? And besides the loyalty factor, playing in gay clubs is fun!"

If only politicians loved us as much.

Lacy Gaga 'thrilled' two men had gay sex her concert [Pink News]

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