July 29, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Rupert Everett: moron

Rupert EverettRupert Everett just can't keep his mouth shut.

His latest rant got him fired from his part-time gig as contributing editor at Vanity Fair. Seems the boss, one Graydon Carter, doesn't like to be talked about, and insulted, during candid interviews with the press.

Talking with The Daily Beast Rupert commented on Graydon's sexual prowess after the two stayed in the same hotel; Rupert heard a woman's screams' of pleasure coming from his editor's room.

Said Rupert: “The next day I went down to breakfast and Graydon came in and I thought to myself, well, now I understand why you are always acting so entitled and walking on air even though you’re rather fat. It’s because grazing the grass between your legs is this appendage of yours. I did rather politely tell him that morning that I thought he was a very good fuck.”

“When his remarks (in the interview) reminded Graydon that Rupert was still listed, it seemed some housecleaning was in order,” a source told Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper.

“Rupert regrets being so indiscreet,”  added a magazine insider. “He’s coming to the end of his Broadway run in Blithe Spirit, so money is tight."

Rupert once said coming out ruined his acting career. Uh, no Mr. Everett; it was your big mouth.

Rupert Everett Unleashed [The Daily Beast]

Rupert Everett sacked from Vanity Fair after inappropriate comments about its editor [Mail Online]

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