June 17, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Partner in sex pic scandal exposed

jeff delancey aka cameronThe man who appeared in sex pics with 'Milk' writer Dustin Lance Black is no shrinking violet. In fact, he likes showing off on camera so much that he allegedly created and starred on FratBoyCam.com (currently offline) for 5 years as 'Cameron,' and he wasn't filming himself doing calculus.

GayPornBlog.com broke the news about 'Cameron' - real name Jeff Delancey - who denied it was him fooling around with Mr. Black. However, Delancey took down his site and fled the country for a week hoping this controversy will soon blow over.

The only thing he should be concerned about is that they didn't play safe when they took the pics. Maybe he missed the lecture on STIs in sex ed class.

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