June 14, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Finally, another celeb sex scandal

Dustin Lance BlackDustin Lance Black probably didn't think the life of a screenwriter would include having his intimate pics spread (like proverbial wild fire) over the Internet. He was mistaken. And the man who won an Oscar for his script of  'Milk' admits that he is embarassed not only by images of himself having sex, but also because they show the safe sex advocate playing without a condom.

The photos are apparently three years old, and Black is hoping his lawyers will be able to stop them from being distributed. (That's like trying to stop a tidal wave with a twig, but you never know unless you try.)

Black released a statement yesterday on the issue:

"It is unfortunate that individuals and other outside parties are trying to profit from material which is clearly private. I have had the privilege to speak to people across the country, both gay and straight, on a number of critical issues including safe sex. More important than the embarrassment of this incident is the misleading message these images send. I apologize and cannot emphasize enough the importance of responsible sexual practices."

Perez Hilton actually posted some of the pics. Ah, the digital age ...

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