June 10, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Adam Lambert: 'I'm Gay!'

Rolling Stone cover: Adam LambertOkay, it's official and we can all stop wondering about it. Adam Lambert is a homosexual. He said so himself!

"I don't think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear I'm gay," Adam Lambert says in the new issue of 'Rolling Stone.' "I've been living in Los Angeles for eight years as a gay man. I've been at clubs drunk making out with somebody in the corner.

"Right after the finale, I almost started talking about it to the reporters, but I thought, 'I'm going to wait for Rolling Stone, that will be cooler.' I'm proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It's just another part of me."

Coming out while on American Idol was not really an option. Contestants are not permitted to talk to the media and there's little time to have a serious discussion about one's sexuality while on stage performing a Lionel Richie song. Producers, however, did know Lambert was gay and were supportive.

"I was worried that [coming out] would be so sensationalized that it would overshadow what I was there to do, which was sing," Lambert admitted. "I'm an entertainer, and who I am and what I do in my personal life is a separate thing. it shouldn't matter. Except it does. It's really confusing."

As for his main competition, and overall Idol winner, Kris Allen, Lambert was a little smitten: "Distracting! He's the one guy I found attractive in the whole group on the show: nice, nonchalant, pretty and totally my type — except that he has a wife. I mean he's open-minded and liberal, but he's definitely 100% straight."

So now whose sexuality are we going to speculate about?

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