April 19, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Bruno and the Republican

Ron Paul no fan of Sacha Baron Cohen's BrunoBruno, Sacha Baron Cohen's Austrian fashion expert alter ego, is not popular amongst the Republican set. At least not with Texas congressman Ron Paul.

Paul met Bruno to talk economics. And then Bruno started to strip ...

“We were in a studio situation, I wasn't invited into a hotel room. There were lots of lights and blaze and commotion and they said we better get in this back room which had been fixed up as a bedroom," Paul explained. “By the time he [Cohen] started pulling his pants down, I was like what on earth is going on here and I ran out of the room. This interview had ended."

Obviously he was hoping for a dinner and a movie first.

"He has raunchy material people buy into … it's sort of sad that it's a reflection of our culture. It's a real shame people are gonna reward him with millions and millions of dollars for being so crass."

Wait, is he talking about Bruno or the Republican Party?

Bruno fails to seduce US Congressman [PinkNews]

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