March 30, 2009 | The Biz

Lucas vs Corrigan at GayVNs

Michael LucasIf you were hoping for  a bit of drama at this past weekend's GayVN Awards, Michael Lucas did not disappoint: the publicity-seeking prez of Lucas Entertainment decided to trash Brent Corrigan on the awards stage.

"There is nothing new about my campaign against the honoring of Brent Corrigan," Lucas explained in a statement. "I took to the stage to speak out against nominating him, which was made very timely after for the ASACP was recognized for their child protection. In my speech, I said shame on those who nominated and awarded Corrigan. There should be no forgiveness for the company’s and individual who put the industry in danger."

His issue: Corrigan started his career as an under-aged perfomer. Something, Lucas says, that cannot be overlooked as it put the rest of the industry at risk.

"Let me make it clear right away that I have no personal vendetta against Brent—I’ve never even spoke to him. My purpose is to protect this industry from juveniles and set the standard rule for not accepting the risk they put us all in. We can not forget the crimes he committed because they are in the past. He is of age now—I get that but he could have put a lot of people in jail for his crimes to get where he is now."

Lucas claims that as he was making his speech, Corrigan’s boyfriend rushed to the stage and ordered Lucas to step down.

"At the after party, Corrigan’s boyfriend came up to me and bumped his chest against mine. ... He then threatened that he was going to kill me and demand that we leave the club together immediately so that he could break my neck. The club’s security swiftly came and separated him; he came back and told me that he will splash acid into my face, 'which will be the end of your career.'"

The police were called. The boyfriend, according to Lucas, was taken into custody.

Corrigan says Lucas' take on said events is just plain false.

"No one was arrested, and no one was threatened with any sort of bodily harm," he responded through his blog. "Michael Lucas did say to my boyfriend, however, that he would “never, ever stop harassing your boyfriend!”

And about the arrest: "Once Michael’s history, motives and his outcry on stage were all brought to light to the authorities, Paul was released from his cuffs and we gave our written statements. The police were very fair and even sided. They were polite and quickly drew the correct conclusions. They departed after a little over an hour of discussion. Together Paul and I returned to bed to sleep the morning away."

Drama certainly seems to to follow these two. We will update this story as more details emerge.

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