March 2, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Margaret Cho loves her some gay porn

Margaret Cho likes gay pornJanice Dickinson may be a bit of a dud when it comes to understanding gay sex, but her GayVN Awards co-host Margaret Cho is no shrinking violet when it comes to man-on-man action. 

Unzipped recently caught up with the comedian, and Cho did not disappoint!

On the topic of slow motion money shots, she admitted, "I like them! You just know someone’s gonna make a movie called Cumdog Millionaire, and it’ll be nothing but slow-mo come shots coming at ya in 3D, with really hot Indian guys and Bollywood music. I would totally watch that!"

That's actually a good idea! Raging Stallion?

And as for what fans can expect during the celebration of the best in gay porn she gave this sneak peek: "Well, I’ve been doing lots of sucking, and I think there’s, like, no ergonomic way to give head. My neck is so sore—I have hooker whiplash. Also, when you fuck a lot of people, like I've been known to, you get a lot of different kinds of jizz. This one guy that I fucked, his come was super clear, like aloe—like you could put it on a cut and it would heal. So I’m going to be talking about stuff like that. I won’t be holding back at all!"

Check out the rest of the interview at Unzipped's blog.

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