February 18, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Mayor's boytoy to pose nude

Beau Breedlove willing to pose nudeThe man with a porn star's name, Beau Breedlove, has taken a recent scandal - he was the allegedly underaged intern turned lover for Portland mayor Sam Adams - and turning it into 15 minutes of fame.

When the scandal broke, Unzipped magazine offered Breedlove the chance to pose nude. He said yes. His pictures will appear in the May issue of the magazine, on stands in April.

"Beau Breedlove was extremely professional at his first erotic photo shoot in Los Angeles this past weekend," Unzipped's online editor, Sean Carnage, said. "He came to L.A. to prove that the Portland scandal does not define his sexuality. The photos portray the real Beau—a confident and extremely handsome young man who is openly sensual, openly sexual, and has nothing to hide."

Here's a peek at what you might expect (from a recent trip to the beach).

Beay Breedlove

Notorious former intern Beau Breedlove to appear in May Unzipped [Unzipped.net]

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