January 6, 2009 | Celeb Watch

Ricky Gervais: Gay jokes bad, fat jokes good

Ricky GervaisCalling a group of people "lazy fucking pigs" is certainly one way to court controversy. When British comedian Ricky Gervais said just that about anyone getting liposuction in his new audio book "The Ricky Gervais Guide To Medicine" he received a lot of flak.

Some critics claimed he would never make fun of gay people, therefore he shouldn't make fun of overweight people.

So, as with any star worth their (ahem) weight these days, he took to his blog to explain:

"It's not the same thing though, is it? Gay people are born that way. They didn't work at becoming gay. Fat people became fat because they would rather be that way than stop eating so much. They had to eat and eat to get fat. Then, when they were fat they had to keep up the eating to stay fat. For gayness to be the same as fatness, gay people would have to start off straight but then ween themselves onto cock. Soon they're noshing all day getting gayer and gayer. They've had more than enough cock… they're full… they're just sucking for the sake of it. Now they're overgay, and frowned upon by people who can have the occasional cock but not over indulge.

"When a doctor tells me that that's how you become gay, I'll stop making jokes about fat people."

Overgay? Guilty as charged!

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