Bentley Layne, a model who appears in gay porn, took to social media to claim he was forced to do gay porn.
The actor identifies as bi in his Twitter profile, but claims to be straight in his actual tweets.
" [...] guys like me who are [straight] get forced into gay porn and are trying to break into the [straight] porn side," he complained. "[Straight] men being forced to bottom just so they can get more shoots."
In a rambling series of tweets, he seemed to indicate that many straight men had to take on gay roles to make money. And then, identifying as strictly a top could result in fewer scenes.
"Yes I’ve shot gay porn," he said. "I’m not bashing it but when you mainly say [you're] just a top in the industry I’m in [you] can only get as many shoots as possible before studios and producers say [you] have to diversify into verse or [you] can’t keep getting booked."
However, he doesn't plan on leaving the gay side of the biz.
"I want to continue performing but end goal is to run my own production / perform in [straight] scenes but I’ll still [shoot] gay [ones]."
You can view his galleries here!
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