May 4, 2018 | Arts / Entertainment

Troye Sivan's new single "Bloom" is about bottoming

Troye SivanTroye Sivan is an openly gay singer who often talks about moving beyond heteronormative tunes. He wants queer singers to embrace who they are and to sing about love using pronouns and subject matter authentic to them. 
Well, he seems to have taken his own advice to heart; his latest release, "Bloom," is actually about bottoming!
Listening to the song, you may not catch it at first. He explained it in a since deleted tweet: ‘Bops Bout Bottoming.’
And even with his tweet gone, the Twitterverse ran with it. #BopsBoutBottoming even started to trend.
Here are some of the lyrics:
Take a trip into my garden,
I’ve got so much to show ya.
[...]Tell me right before it goes down,
Promise me you’ll hold my hand if I get scared now.
Might tell you to take a second, baby, slow it down.
He has only shared the lyric video so far, but it will be interesting to see if he fully embraces the single's theme in the official video release!

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