September 30, 2017 | Sex & Society

The Satanic Temple has a warning for anti-gay bakers

Satanic Wedding Cake
The Satanic Temple (TST) is standing up for the LGBT community by promising to troll homophobic bakers if they win the right to refuse to make gay wedding cakes.
In the fall, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear a case of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips, a Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding. Philips claimed his religious rights would be violated if he was forced to fulfill the order by the gay couple.
Currently, sexual orientation is not explicitly protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is very possible the Supreme Court will side with the baker.
The Temple, which is actually an atheist group, is already preparing for the worst. It has promised that, if homosexuality is not deemed a protected group, it will start requesting homophobic bakers make a cake for Satan.
“Our organization has received a lot of concerned messages from people who are upset by the prospect of an environment in which the LGBTQ community are openly and legally treated as second class citizens," TST spokesperson, Lucien Greaves, explained. "The laws of the United States require that no one may discriminate by way of refusal of service against an evangelical theocrat for their religious beliefs, but the evangelical theocrat may discriminate against LGBT people because of who they are.
"Because religion is a protected class, a baker may refuse service to LGBTQ people, but they may not refuse service based upon someone’s religion. If they aren’t willing to make a cake for same-sex unions, let’s have them make a cake to honor Satan instead.”
The Temple said that following the Supreme Court ruling, if it finds against gay rights, it will invite anyone who was refused a wedding cake to contact them with the name of the bakery. The TST will then order a cake from the same bakery in honor of Satan.
“After the ruling -- if it turns out the way we expect -- I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities,” he said, “and likely many situations outside of the context of wedding cake requests.” 
The Supreme Court better make the right decision, but if it fails, we can't wait to unleash The Satanic Temple on those baking bigots!

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