September 13, 2017 | Other News

In for a nose job; out with a permanent boner

neven ciganovic
Neven Ciganovic, a Croatian stylist, likes himself a little nip and tuck. However, his most recent visit to a plastic surgeon proved a lot harder than he expected.
Ciganovic was being followed by a British documentary crew as he went in for his third nose job. (You'd think the doctors would have gotten it right during their first two tries.) 
“I was in Iran for rhinoplasty for the documentary film that Channel 4 is filming covering my life," explained the 45-year-old. "We did not record the surgery but only the consultation sessions with the doctor. They gave me general anaesthesia and I reacted badly to it.” 
The incident left him with priapism, or a permanent erection. He said he went to a hospital in Serbia to recover, but was not given anything for the pain from the hard-on. Doctors had to do surgery on his member to help it settle down, and he is now looking at several months of recovery. (And though priapism is not funny, we couldn't help but giggle when the image of his penis, struggling to walk on a treadmill with a nurse's help, came to mind!)
Don't feel too badly for Ciganovic; he thinks his many trips to the plastic surgeon will make him famous.
"I look forward to a movie about myself," he said. "Channel 4 dedicated a whole episode about me. I think this is a big deal and I hope this is the start of my international career."
Do you think doctors can do something about that ego?
neven ciganovic

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