The Jozi Cats, a South African competitive rugby team, is looking for new players. The campaign is going viral.
The Johannesburg-based team is using photographs of the burly players with taglines like “flamer?” and “fudge-packer?” The aim: to force people to question stereotypes about gay athletes.
“We’re looking to just challenge the preconception that because you don’t look like a conventional rugby player, that you can’t be a conventional rugby player,” Teveshan Kuni, chairman of the Jozi Cats, explained. “We completely just want to show people that rugby is a sport like anything else. It’s skills, it’s fitness, it’s love and it’s dedication.”
“We did research about derogatory terms for gay men that would translate to a wider audience — trust me, there are some truly awful ones out there — and so we picked the ones that didn’t need explanation, that we could represent visually and walked the fine line between acceptable and offensive,” Christ Verrijdt, head of Havas Public Relations South Africa, added.