July 9, 2015 | Sex & Society

Russia creates Straight Pride flag

Straight Pride flag from RussiaWith little to offer the Russian people aside from increasingly limited "freedoms" and an ongoing war in the Ukraine, the country's politicians decided what citizens needed was a new flag. And not just any flag ... a Straight Pride flag!

The flag was created, in large part, as an answer to the growing presence of the rainbow flag (appearing around the world due to Gay pride, and because of companies like Facebook). 
Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party has had enough! The party created a "flag for straights" which features a nuclear family with a mother, father and three children. The hashtag: “#realfamily".
"This is our answer to same sex marriages, this mockery of the very concept of family," explained lawmaker Aleksey Lisovenko."We must prevent gay fever in our country and support traditional values."
He added that he wants the rainbow flag banned in Russia, even on social media. (Good luck with that!)
Just when you think it isn't possible, Russia gets just a little bit crazier!
Putin’s Party Unveils ‘Straight Pride’ Flag [OUT]

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