The terribly homophobic ATLAH Worldwide Missionary Church in Harlem, NYC may be about to lose its anti-gay sign.
The issue is not that the sign is often filled with anti-gay nonsense - like "Jesus would stone homos" - but that the large sign was put up without a permit.
In fact, the church has been charged with five violations for altering its landmarked premises on 123rd Street and Lenox Avenue without permission.
“Please keep in mind that the Commission cannot legally regulate the content of a sign, however, permits must be obtained for the installation of signage on landmark properties," explained Damaris Olivo of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. “The commission’s first priority is to work with property owners to adjust violations.
“Usually the property owner works with staff to resolve the violations. In this instance unfortunately we have to issue a Notice of Violation because the property owner has not been cooperative. If the sign is not removed, the building’s owners could face increasing levels of fines.”
Pastor James David Manning runs the church. He's the nutter who claims Starbucks flavors its coffee with semen.
He claimed: “The thing that I was not aware of is that… what Starbucks was doing, is they were taking specimens of male semen, and they were putting it in the blends of their lattes. It’s the absolute truth. They’re using male semen, and putting it into the blends of coffees that they sell. My suspicion is that they’re getting their semen from sodomites. Semen flavours up the coffee, and makes you thinks you’re having a good time.”
Here's hoping his church is forced into bankruptcy soon!