September 18, 2013 | Funny Bits

Student explains how science proves gay ain't natural

Chibuihem AmalahaChibuihem Amalaha, a student at the University of Lagos in Nigeria is getting a lot of publicity over his recent 'discoveries' that he says prove, once and for all, that homosexuality is unnatural. And his university is standing behind him.

“In recent time I found that gay marriage, which is homosexuality and lesbianism, is eating deep into the fabric of our human nature all over the world and this was why nations of Sodom and Gomora were destroyed by God because they were into gay practice,” he said.

So he set out to prove that homosexuality was wrong by using science. For example, he argued that magnets provide a clear example of how human sexuality should work. Like poles repel one another. Opposite poles attract. Therefore, men and women, being opposites, should be together. Same sex couples should not. Er, except they do.  

And it gets better: using chemistry, Amalaha pointed out that an acid mixed with a base will react and create a neutral solution, while acid added to acid - or base added to base - causes no reaction. Ergo, men cannot be with men as there is no reaction.  (Oh, there's a reaction!)

He also cites biology, saying that lions in the zoo are never seen having same sex relations. Of course not: lions are all on the down-low. And what of those gay penguins? Perhaps the straight lions ate them? 

Amalaha says that his teachers have praised his research: “Recently my lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Professor D S Aribuike, pointedly told me that I will win Nobel prize one day, because he found that my works are real and nobody has done it in any part of the world.”

Perhaps that is because the premises are scientifically invalid. Sadly, Amalaha is the brightest student currently enrolled in the University of Lagos. Yikes!

Nigerian Student Chibuihem Amalaha 'Uses Science To Prove Gay Marriage Is Wrong' [Huffington Post]

University of Lagos: Magnets prove homosexuality is unnatural [Pink News]

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