In May, ABC News editor Don Ennis surprised his colleagues when he showed up at work wearing a little black dress and an auburn wig. He told everyone that he was transgendered and was leaving his wife of 17 years. His name was now Dawn.
Fast forward three months, and Dawn is once again Don. According to reports, he experienced a series of seizures recently and ended up in the hospital. He also claimed he had suffered a recent bout of amnesia.
Once the amnesia wore off, he was no longer interested in becoming a woman.
“I accused my wife of playing some kind of cruel joke, dressing me up in a wig and bra and making fake ID’s with the name ‘Dawn’ on it. Seriously,” Ennis wrote in an e-mail to friends and colleagues last week.
“It became obvious this was not the case once I took off the bra — and discovered two reasons I was wearing one,” he said, referring to his hormone-induced breasts. “I thought it was 1999 . . . and I was sure as hell that I was a man.”
That would certainly be a shocking discovery.
He added: "The new change I'm revealing to you today did not arise because I couldn't hack it, or people would accept the new/real/female "me", or I had trouble finding shoes that fit (Oh, I found plenty, more than I could afford)."
He also promised that he wasn't turning his back on the LGBT community, which had embraced him after his initial transition. “Even though I will not wear the wig or the makeup or the skirts again, I promise to remain a strong straight ally, a supporter of diversity and an advocate for equal rights and other LGBT issues including same-sex marriage.”
You know there has to be more to this story ...
I’m a guy again! ABC newsman who switched genders wants to switch back [New York Post]
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