Austin Wilde is no stranger to porn modeling. He's been a popular star for years, most notably with, a Next Door site that is no longer updated. Now he and his boyfriend, Anthony Romero, have moved on with their new site,
Austin recently offered some tips for porn actors preparing for a shoot.
First, yes you can eat that day. "You should always eat. It takes 6-8 hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. So other than being a diva and thinking some scrambled eggs are going to make you look fat, there’s no reason not to eat prior."
My suggestion: avoid garlic and beans.
Going to bottom? "If you’re bottoming (or just like to always be prepared), douching is one of the more important things of your getting ready process. Porn can make sex look pretty and perfect….but we all know that’s not always the case in real life. So when you’re getting fucked for 2-3 hours, making sure everything is good to go down there couldn’t be more important."
It's true: while the occassional Hershey kiss is nothing to be ashamed of in real life, it's just bad form on a porn set.
What about shaving? "First of all, NO. Just no. If you shave your body, stop. Did I mention NO? But if you do shave, either know what you’re doing, or don’t do it the night before and show up the next day with razor burn and bumps. No bueno."
I'll agree with the not doing anything the night before, but I still do sometimes like to see a smooth, shaved chest (like Austin's in the picture.) And if your pubes are longer than your penis, a trimming may be in order.
You can check out Austin's other tips on his site here!
You can also check out his earlier work by clicking here!
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