April 5, 2012 | Celeb Watch

Jeremy Renner is one tough non-gay man

Jeremy Renner says 'I'm Not Gay!'Jeremy Renner is becoming quite the star. He's in the big summer movie, The Avengers. And he's been pegged to take over from Matt Damon in the Bourne Identity movie franchise.

But with all the fame comes, well, the press. And, fair or not, his personal life has become fodder for many a gossip column. For a private guy like Renner, this is the worst part about being an star.

Rumors of Renner's sexuality seem to be particularly bothersome for the 41-year-old.

“I want my personal life to be personal, and it’s not fucking true,” he said about the gay rumors. “And I don’t care if you’re talking about things that are true, you’re still talking about my personal life. How about I go peek in your window, take what underwear you wore last night, whose husband you were fucking, and shove that in the megaphone throughout your neighborhood? How does that feel?”

He was once confronted in public about his sexuality. On one Christmas Eve he was assaulted for 'being gay.'

“This guy chokes me with the scarf I was wearing," Renner remembered. "He called me a fag ’cause I was wearing a scarf! Then he shoved my sister and I got behind him and I choked him out — put him to sleep.”

We certainly applaud Renner for standing up for himself and taking a homophobe down. But are gay rumors, whether true or not, worth getting so worked up over?

You can read the rest of Renner's interview with the Hollywood Reporter here.

Jeremy's bum

He may not be gay, but he has a nice bum!

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