March 24, 2012 | Celeb Watch

Madonna could be arrested in St. Petersburg

Vitaly Milanov wants Madonna arrested if she supports gays at her concertPop singer Madonna promised to "speak up for the gay community, to support the gay community and to give strength and inspiration to anyone who is or feels oppressed,” when she performs in St. Petersburg this coming August. The city recently passed a law forbidding the promotion of homosexuality.

Well, the the bill’s author, city assemblyman Vitaly Milanov (pictured), said he would want Madonna charged under the new law if she speaks out during her concert. He said he was willing to attend the show “to control its moral content.”

“I’m ready to personally suffer a couple of hours of her concert,” he said. (You know he's just a closeted Madonna fan!)

Russia has had a hard time with homosexuality. It was banned in the Soviet Union and only decriminalized in Russia in 1993. It remained classified as a mental disorder until 1999, but is still considered taboo in Russian society.

Sadly, the St. Petersburg legislation may become law across Russia if politicians get their way.

Madonna May Be Charged Under St Petersburg Anti-Gay Law [ABC News]

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