March 5, 2012 | Celeb Watch

Former teen heartthrob a homo-hater

Kirk CameronFor the record, yes we would sleep with Kirk Cameron. He's an idiot, but he's so pretty! (And if he's reading this: call us! We'll snuggle and talk about your many, many, many issues.)

That said, most people are aware that Cameron is a very religious man, so when he told Piers Morgan that he thought homosexuality was "unnatural...detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization," we really weren't that surprised.

But what made this story newsworthy was the outpouring of support for the gay community by celebs on Twitter, who didn't hesitate to take the former star to task. And some of the tweets are funny as hell.

First prize goes to Scrubs and Garden State star Zach Braff, who wrote: "If Kirk Cameron hates gay people, why was he best friends with Boner?"

Check out some more of the comic gold after the jump ...

Christopher Rice, author: "Kirk Cameron says marriage was defined by God in the Garden of Eden. No response from Cameron on why the world isn't full of talking snakes."

Craig Ferguson, comedian: "Rush makes me ashamed to be a middleaged white man and Kirk Cameron makes me ashamed to be a failed actor. We don't all think like that."

Josh Charles, actor: "I know Growing Pains was only a tv show, but I have to think both Alan Thicke & Joanna Kerns must feel they failed as parents tonight."

Tiffany Reisz, writer: "Dear Kirk Cameron, If you have found homosexuality to be destructive, I have two words of advice for you -- more lube."

God: "Kirk Cameron calls homosexuality 'Unnatural.' In his defense, if you've ever seen him act, he knows from unnatural."

Alan Thicke, actor: "I'm getting him some new books. The Old Testament simply can't be expected to explain everything."

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