August 31, 2011 | The Biz

New HIV scare hits str8 porn industry

No filming on adult sets.The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has recommended that member studios temporarily shutdown adult productions after reports surfaced that a performer may have tested positive for HIV. Most straight studios do not use condoms as a safer sex precaution.

“In order to err on the side of caution, FSC called for an industrywide moratorium,” the group's statement read. “This moratorium should remain in place until primary reports of any exposure are confirmed. .... At this point, there is nothing to suggest that any individuals that may have been affected have performed in California.”

Once Patient Zero is identified and the diagnosis confirmed, efforts will be made to determine who may have been exposed to the virus and steps taken to halt any potential for it to spread. 

Gay productions were not immediately impacted by the news as most require the use of condoms during filming; however, many straight studios have decided to halt film shoots until further notice.

The FSC very recently created APHSS, the Adult Production Health & Safety Services program, to help keep track of potential STIs within the industry. However, in this particular case, the performer did not use an APHSS testing facility, making it more difficult to gather accurate information due to privacy issues.

“The question remains how many performers must become infected with HIV and other serious STDs before the industry will clean up its act and government will do the right thing,” asked AIDS Healthcare Foundation president Michael Weinstein.

Information Regarding Possible HIV Exposure of Industry Performer [Free Speech Coalition]

Porn Studios Suspend Production [XBiz]

Porn filmmaking shut down after performer tests HIV positive  [LA Times]

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